Defending Those Who Have Been Accused of a Sex Offense in Bulloch County
Sex crimes are among the most damaging to an individual both personally and professionally. Even a rumor without any formal charges or a conviction of such a crime can impact your reputation. Because of the serious social stigma attached to these crimes, it is imperative that you find trusted legal representation at the first sign that you may be facing charges. You will need someone whose sole job is to protect your legal rights, stand by your side, and fight for your future as your legal advocate. Gabe T. Cliett P.C., Attorney at Law is well aware of the high stakes involved in any sex crime accusation.
Competent representation is vital to your freedom and future. By calling us early, we can help you avoid making mistakes that could endanger your position. It is never wise to answer questions from law enforcement or investigators about any crime without the protection of a qualified criminal defense attorney. As your advocate, our Statesboro sex crimes defense attorney can ensure that your best interests are fiercely pursued at every phase of the legal process.
Contact our Statesboro sex crime defense lawyer online or at (912) 274-7752 for a free, confidential case evaluation.
What are the Penalties for Sex Crimes in Georgia?
Aside from lengthy prison terms and hefty fines, sex crimes can lead to mandatory registration in Georgia’s Sex Offender registry after serving your prison term. This can severely restrict your lifestyle, employment, housing, and more. For example, registered sex offenders are prohibited from living or working within 1,000 feet of schools, playgrounds, childcare facilities, churches, or other locations where children may congregate. Failing to register or violating the rules of registration can result in serious legal consequences.
Also, keep in mind that in Georgia the stature of limitations for rape is longer than many other felonies. You can be charged for up to 15 years after the commission of the crime
Types of Sex Crimes We Handle
Gabe T. Cliett P.C., Attorney at Law offers tenacious legal representation of all sex crimes, including:
- Rape, including statutory rape
- Sexual battery and aggravated sexual battery
- Child molestation/exploitation
- Child pornography
- Prostitution
- Pimping
- Pandering
- Public indecency
- Enticing a child
- Sexual assault by persons acting in a supervisory capacity
What is the Romeo and Juliet Law in Georgia?
Under "Romeo and Juliet" laws if the defendant is 18 years old and the victim is between 14 to 16 years old, the accused will likely face misdemeanor charges. Romeo and Juliet exemption: A Romeo and Juliet exemption can be applied for consensual sexual intercourse between a victim between the age of 14-16 and an individual who is 18 or younger and no more than four years older than the victim.
Contact Our Sex Crimes Defense Lawyer in Statesboro Today
Sex crimes are aggressively pursued and prosecuted by trained professionals whose sole aim is to punish the accused and make the community feel safe. In some cases, shaky allegations may exist based on misinformation, misunderstandings, and/or little evidence backing them. Our firm is here to level the playing field. We can provide all of the legal methods and resources needed to build a strong case that matches the other side’s tenacity.
Contact our Statesboro sex crimes defense attorney at (912) 274-7752 or reach out to us online today.


Our attorneys are dedicated to doing right by you and your case. You deserve a good lawyer.